
“Oh, innocence with laughing eyes. Thou art a cherub from the skies, a wanderer from heaven.”

- Unknown

Watching over you with protection and love.

The shape of each Cherubini pendant is reflective not only of the iconic ILANZONI eye, but of the wings of an angel, casting their protection over us and our loved ones. The Cherubini Collection harnesses the power of color to infuse each day with joy and peace.

I am BLUE–Wear me for protection.

I am PINK–I will shower you with love.

I am GREEN–Let My good luck rub off on you.

I am YELLOW–I am the giver of good health and longevity

I am ORANGE–I bring joy to your life.

I am RED–I am the giver of wisdom

I am PURPLE–I Bring you serenity.

I am WHITE–I am the invincible force radiating from within you

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